Step 1
Apply your social media skills to spread the message: We are Building a Better Bridge to our future. Invite all to this website to learn about the Awareness Revolution.
Step 2
Form discussion groups and meet weekly at the same place and time so that your members can make it a routine. Discuss ideas of how you will broaden awareness horizons to embrace the many parts involved in building a better bridge to our future of quality of life in peaceful systemic sustainability.
Optional subjects of discussions:
a) Choosing the right tool. In the 20th century, politics turned to extreme right that led to fascism
and World War 2; and then turned to extreme left that led to communism.
A pipe wrench, also known as 'monkey wrench' can turn right and turn left but
can't fix your smart phone for about the same reason why the political (left/right)
'monkey wrench' can't fix your bridge to the future: It's the wrong tool! The right
tool to fix your bridge to the future is forming student discussion groups that in time
will go public through Instructive Demonstrations.
b) Reduce stress and elevate quality of life as you discuss and become
mindful of the 4 “happiness” hormones in your brain and body: Dopamine: Known as the “feel-good” hormone. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a part of your brain’s reward system, associated with pleasurable sensations. Serotonin: A hormone and neurotransmitter helping regulate your mood as well as your sleep, appetite, digestion, learning ability, and memory. Oxytocin: Sometimes called the "love hormone" ; it is essential for child birth, breastfeeding, and strong parent-child bounding. It can promote trust, empathy, and bounding in relationships. Physical affection can increase levels. Endorphins: They are your body's natural pain reliever. Levels may increase when you are engaged in reward producing activities such as eating, working out, having sex, laugh, eat dark chocolate.
c) Holigent Yoga combines yoga, meditation, stress reduction, mindfulness; it improves your inner
quality of life. Holigent Yoga to Heal the World one individual at a time. Practice part or all of it
any time any place.
Step 3
Organize Instructive Demonstrations in public places. Protests don’t work because building a peaceful and sustainable future is beyond the skillsets of politicians and institutions. Carry the book AWARENESS REVOLUTION or the QR code to this website visibly in your hand.
Step 4
Journalists and the media will report about your Awareness Revolution of Building a Better Bridge to our Future. (It is their bridge to the future too, and they do need a new story every day.)
Step 5
Millionaires and Billionaires are super curious people. Their awareness will intensify about the need to invest in building a better bridge to their peaceful and sustainable future here on Earth; so they won't have to escape to Mars (a dead rock in cold, empty space) or their remote island on the Pacific when big trouble comes. Their donations may in time arrive.
Step 6
Form your nonprofit organization that can accept tax-exempt grants and donations. Engage in vigorous fundraising and grant writing.
Step 7
When money arrives, your organization can purchase suitable real estate in a part of your city with public transportation.
Step 8
Start up your Holigent (holistic-emergent) nature-compliant quality of life community.
Instructions are in the book:
Step 9
Politicians will take notice when they hear and read about your Awareness Revolution to build a better bridge to our future and will begin to listen to you. They will learn about building Holigent (holistic-emergent) nature-compliant communities to demonstrate the hybrid socioeconomic arrangement that secures quality of life for its residents. In this light, with your encouragement, they will be inclined to establish a Department of Homeland Reconstruction (DHR) to fund the continuous development of nature-compliant communities across America and beyond. All in the interest of building the infrastructure for a future of universal quality of life, global peace and systemic sustainability.
Consider that Congress established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in response to the 9/11/2001 terror attack on the United States. For example, the 2023 budget of the DHS was $82 billion. The Department of Defense (DOD) budget for 2023 was over $800 billion.
Assuming a new Department of Homeland Reconstruction receives the equivalent of 1% of the DOD budget, it would amount to $8 billion per year; that could buy on average about 4,000 homes that would secure housing and quality of life for about 20,000 people yearly.
If billionaires and politicians do their part in providing the initial funding for Holigent Transformative Societal Reconstruction the process will continue to grow by self-generated funds in the U.S. and in time expand to Europe and beyond. The program would end homelessness while building a peaceful and sustainable future.
Your action guides are this website and the book Awareness Revolution